Marriage / Relationship
in Tunbridge Wells
What is Couple Counselling?
The goal of couple counselling is to guide the couple to improve how to interact in their relationship. Tunbridge Wells Counselling offers a safe environment for couple counselling, allowing partners to identify problems in their relationship and work together to change things.
There are many reasons why couples often need relationship counselling. The stresses of family life, demanding jobs, financial problems and infidelity can all put a strain on a relationship. My aim is to work with a couple to identify their problems and to explore ways to make changes.
Many couples come to counselling when one or both have already considered ending the relationship. My advice would be if you think there is an issue, seek help as soon as possible. Resentment, regular arguments, emotional distance, lack of intimacy are all signs that your relationship is not as it could be.
Some people like to come on their own at first to discuss their own issues in the relationship, and then ask their partner to join in at a later stage. I will work whichever way suits you best and am happy to explore all options.